“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” Look in the mirror now and say this to yourself three times.
I love this quote from a recent movie where a nanny says this to the children in her charge every day. Now, on one hand we can say this superficially and it holds little meaning other than a self-inflating pep talk. On the other hand, we can say this to ourselves with conviction . . . knowing that we are creatures of immeasureable value whom Jesus died for. He left the twin tasks of “The Great Commission” and “The Great Commandment” to us, so He must have a lot of faith in us . . . maybe more than we have in ourselves.
So, let me encourage you today in these areas:
You is kind:
- be nice to people, representing the love of Jesus to each person you meet
- be generous to the less fortunate:
- instead of slapping yourself on the back for buying a pair of Tom’s, actually take a kid in raggity shoes and buy them a couple of new pairs
- instead of buying that new smartphone, save up a couple hundred dollars and give a single mom a Target card
- instead trading that old car in (and getting far less than it’s worth), give it to someone who could really use it
- mow a neighbor’s lawn
- take a senior citizen grocery shopping
- serve in the church in an area that really needs it
- volunteer to work in The Upper Room (local place serving meals for the unfortunate)
- take your kids to the park and fill a bag with trash before you start to play (and teach them why you’re doing it)
- You get the idea . . .
You is smart:
- smart enough to understand this blog
- smart enough to read or listen to God’s Word and be changed by it
- smart enough to pray for others
- smart enough to smile at the down-hearted
- smart enough to say something encouraging to a friend
- smart enough to be used by Jesus
- yep . . . you’re smart
You is important:
- important enough for Jesus to die for
- important enough for Jesus to leave the job of “discipling the nations” to
- important enough for God to trust you with raising your kids . . .
- or loving your spouse
- or being a “light in the darkness” to your generation
- important enough to become His “heirs” . . . i.e. King’s Kids
- face it . . . you matter
That’s about it Guys and Gals . . . remember that even though it’s summer vacation time:
- stay encouraged in God
- stay in the Word and prayer and fellowship with other believers
- rest well when you have a break
- be involved when you’re home
- excercise appropriately often
- be generous in lifestyle
- fulfill committments to the Lord
- be happy
- speak words of life
- forgive always
- fight for unity amoung the body of Christ
- appreciate each other’s differences !! (don’t just “tolerate” them)
Love you guys so much . . .
Steve 🙂