Westside Kids
Nursery – 5th Grade
It is our passion to see each child come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to be discipled into a deep, personal relationship with their heavenly Father through the enabling power of God’s Holy Spirit. Each week our amazing team of skilled volunteers take the preschool through 5th Grade kids through an exciting curriculum specifically designed to ground the kids in the truths of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Sunday Morning: Classes for Nursery – 5th Grade @ 8:30am and 10:30am Service
Scan here for new registration!
What to Expect? 
When you come to either of our Sunday Services, you will check in your children at the Welcome Center! Someone will be able to assist you if your children are new, or if you have any questions. After they are checked in, you will receive a sticker for each of your children as well as a ticket to pick them up. After the first song, the children will be released to their classes. After the service is over, you will go to their classroom and pick them up by giving the teacher your ticket. 
If you would like to volunteer to be a Westside Kids teacher, check out the application as well as our policies!