Is My Church Strong And Healthy?

Hey Westside!

Wow !!  Is it really possible to be part of a strong, healthy, local church?  I believe that it not only “is” possible but that it is imperative for each one of us as believers in Christ.

What are the characteristics of a strong, healthy, local church?  (I’m glad you asked.)  Let’s take a look at a healthy church from the New Testament.

The Jerusalem church experienced both qualitative and quantitative growth. Eager for this same result, many of today’s church leaders flock to church growth seminars. I believe that it would be wiser to concentrate on church health. Why?

Because it is the nature of healthy organisms to grow.

When a local church emphasizes:
• strong, God honoring worship
• solid biblical teaching
• in an atmosphere of true fellowship
• mixed with consistent outreach and evangelism

it will be healthy !!

 . . . and a healthy Christian community will attract people to Christ.

We need to all ask ourselves these questions:

• What am I doing to make Westside a healthy place that will draw others to Jesus?
• Do I have healthy relationships with all those people I personally know at Westside?
• Do I always seek to forgive, speak words of life and solve issues according to The Matthew 18 Principle?
• How am I using my gifts to serve others so that God will get the glory?
• Am I listening to  . . . and obeying God in all areas of my life right now?

Having a strong, healthy, local church is possible.  But no one ever said it would be easy.  Come on Westside . . . you can do it !

“With man things are impossible,
but with God, all things are possible !”

Love you guys,
Steve 🙂

Question:  How has God strengthened or encouraged you lately through your local church?

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