Eldership Team
We see in the New Testament that “elder,” “pastor,” and “overseer” are three different functions of the same office (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-2). Generally, we refer to them at Westside as “elder,” or sometimes “pastor.” While the elders are the highest human authority in the local church, they are responsible to faithfully follow the highest authority — JESUS, Who is the Head of the church.
These are men who will stand before God and give an account to Jesus for how they led His church (Hebrews 13:17). In short, Westside’s elders are responsible to lead and cast vision, preach and teach the word of God, and judge doctrinal issues. They are to love, pray, care for, model for, and protect the people who call Westside home.
Joe & Emily Moore
Chuck & Kelli Theuring
Matthew & Margo Frost
Chris & Jen Swarbrick
Following the example of Scripture (Acts 6), as the need arises, elders appoint deacons to assist them in serving and leading the church. While deacons do not “govern” the church family as elders do, they serve in every capacity and function in Biblical leadership. For just as Jesus Christ made clear: for anyone who desires to be great, he or she must be the servant of all.  Both singles and married couples can be deacons.
Marc Adams
Kathy Adams
Tom Arcona
Melissa Arcona
Dave and Laura
Aaron Francis
Nick Matau
Emily Matau
Sherry McKillop
Randy Immer
Alan and Aimee Shearer