Devoting Themselves To Prayer

This is a true story of when I was in the Army:    In the summer of 1973, it was almost dusk on a deserted country road in Germany.  After several failed hitch-hike attempts to return to our base before curfew, my buddies and I were becoming rather nervous about getting in trouble . . .
  . . . for being late.  We were out in the middle of nowhere and we would not make it back in time if we continued walking.  At last one lone car approached and it was then that I decided to make a final desperate and dramatic plea.  I got down on my knees, begged and pleaded, clasped my hands together, and looked toward heaven in a feign of absolute humility.  Miraculously, the car stopped and as we ran up from behind, I saw the bumper sticker:
          “Prayer Never Fails.”
As believers in Christ, we must remember that the early church was marked by its’ passion for persistent prayer.  God used the newborn believers in amazing ways because they absolutely and totally depended on His Holy Spirit for their guidance, strength, wisdom, and power to be His witnesses.
 I urge each of us to be as dependent on Him today as our church leaders were.  How do we do this?  Let me give you a few suggestions:
  • Get up a bit EARLIER each day and enjoy that first cup of coffee or tea just sitting there in His presence
    • because “in His presence is fullness of joy.” Psalm 16:11
  • Work on being AWARE of God’s closeness to you every waking moment – close enough for you to hear His whispers
    • because we are commanded to “pray without ceasing.”  I Thess 5:17
  • Try to have a thankful heart BEFORE you start asking Him for stuff
    •  because we are instructed to “enter His courts with thanksgiving in our heart and into his courts with praise.”  Psalm 100:4
  • Make sure you are CLEAR before Him having all of your sin confessed
    • because He promised “if you confess your sin He will forgive you completely.”  I John 1:9
  • Ask Him for the WISDOM you need for each day
    • because He said He will give us wisdom if we ask for it.”  James 1:5
  • Pray alone, with your family, AND also gather together often to pray with other believers
    • because we see the early church do the same thing by “devoting themselves to prayer.”  Acts 2:42

Keep it up friends – you can live a victorious life and be an effective witness of the good news in your sphere of influence.  Represent Jesus well – not in your own strength – but in the strength found only in Him!

Love you guys,

Steve 🙂
P.S.  See you at “All Church Prayer” each 1st Wednesday at 6:30

3 Responses to “Devoting Themselves To Prayer”

  1. Jaynee vreede says:

    Good one steve! Loved it, no need to respond

  2. Chuck theuring says:

    Thanks Steve.

  3. Randy Immer says:

    Thanks Steve, just what I needed!

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