It Won’t Kill You To Say Thanks

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who almost alone stood against the terrible Nazi injustice and was hanged for his dissent 23 days before the end of WWII said this:

“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.”

 As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let’s remember Who we are giving thanks to.  And, let’s remember to thank all those folks who have invested in our lives.  Let me give you a few ideas:

  • thank your mother for spending nine uncomfortable months making you –  you know, the “getting sick, sore back, feeling frumpy, swollen feet, can’t sleep, when is this ever going to end?” nine months . . .  “thanks Mom”
  • thank your spouse for “encouraging” you to become a better human being
  • thank a sibling for being there
  • thank a teacher who made a difference in your life and for loaning you a pencil “for the millionth time”
  • thank your folks for providing you a home, food to eat, clothes, and a roof over your head
  • thank your friends for putting up with you
  • thank a fireman, law enforcement officer, or someone in the military for helping to keep us safe
  • thank the guys who go out in a storm to keep our electricity running
  • thank the mailman . . . and anyone who serves you
  • thank the retiree for greeting you at Walmart
  • thank God for each breath you take
  • thank Him for each and every day with a loved one
  • thank Him for life and the opportunity to enjoy His creation
  • thank Him that we live in a free country and can worship Him without fear (please pray for those who do not enjoy this precious freedom)
  • thank Him for work and creativity
  • thank Jesus for dying for us so that we could be made right with God
  • etcetera – etcetera – etcetera  . . .

The Pilgrims dug seven times as many graves as they built houses.  They were some of the poorest folks who have ever lived and yet they found the time to set aside a day of Thanksgiving to God for His blessing.  As someone once said: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like . . . wrapping a present and not giving it.”  Gratefulness is a virtue that is quickly disappearing from our culture.

  • say it
  • send a card or letter
  • text it
  • phone it
  • send flowers
  • do an act of kindness
  • email it
  • somehow . . . someway . . . express it

Let’s always be a thankful people . . . thankful for the big things Almighty God has given AND for the “smaller” things as well.

In everything give thanks . . .

Love you Guys,

Steve 🙂

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